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Australia Trade Segmentation

Exit Survey
Dear Retailer [insert retailer name],

As a main tobacco supplier to your business we highly value our relationship with the tobacco trade and want to ensure that we continue to meet and hopefully exceed your expectations. As part of our ongoing commitment to provide outstanding support and service to the tobacco trade we ask that you complete our survey and as a thank you, you will receive a gift card worth XXX.

Please be assured of confidentiality as none of your responses will be identified back to you, and the results will be reported in aggregate form.

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the "Next" button below.

Thank you very much for your time and support.


Research Agency xxx
Which of the following best describes your position within the store?
Where is your store/s? 
Where in NSW / ACT?
Where in Queensland?
Where in South Australia?
Where in Tasmania?
Where in Victoria?
Where in Western Australia?
Please select your gender.
Please select your age range.
Which of the following best matches the business type you work in?
General Trade e.g. milk bar, newsagent
In the last month have you been visited by a Tobacco sales representative from any, some or all of the three large tobacco companies (BATA, ITA & PML)?

Note: BATA Brands e.g. Winfield, Rothmans. ITA Brands e.g. JPS, Horizon. PML Brands e.g. Peter Jackson, Bond Street.
Which of the following best reflects how you see the role of the Tobacco category in your business?
Drives foot traffic
Profit driver
Basket of goods driver
It’s a small part of my profits
It’s a convenience I provide for my customers
Do you personally use any of the tobacco companies Online Portals for…?

(Select all that apply)
Ordering stock
Other (specify)

Thinking about your experience with the tobacco suppliers you work with, how important to you is each of the statements below.
Not at all important Slightly Important Moderately Important Important Extremely important
Has an easy ordering process
Provides reasonable rebates
Assists me to achieve more profit in my business
Can provide information and education in my preferred language
Takes time to educate me on the latest product information
Has sales reps that don’t change too often and knows my store
Does what they say they will do and is consistent
Understands the challenges I face in my business and acts on them
Provides information on products in brochure form / cheat sheets
Helps me solve problems quickly
Not at all important Slightly Important Moderately Important Important Extremely important
Recognizes when I need additional help
Recognises that making profit is important to me
Has an effective sales rep that gives specials
Has rewards for all staff in the business (where permitted by state tobacco legislation)
Has effective incentives/programs to support my business goals
Provides me with useful information for my business
Provides useful information for my business on New Product Launches (NPL)
Understands my business
Visits me regularly enough to meet my needs
Listens to my individual business needs
Not at all important Slightly Important Moderately Important Important Extremely important
Proactively identifies issues and provides solutions
Has knowledge of my business (local area, customer type and store type)
Collaborates and works with me
Knows what is most important to me and my business
Is willing to accept returns on mistakes made
Is willing to swap damaged or old stock quickly
Has reasonable payment terms (no direct debit)
Takes time to know me and my business personally
Is respectful of my time when communicating with me
How would you rate BATA overall on each of the statements below? 
Has effective incentives/programs to support my business goals
Has reasonable payment terms (no direct debit)
Understands my business
Listens to my individual business needs
Provides reasonable rebates
Knows what is most important to me and my business
Has knowledge of my business (local area, customer type and store type)
Provides me with useful information for my business
Takes time to educate me on the latest product information
Has an effective sales rep that gives specials
Helps me solve problems quickly
Can provide information and education in my preferred language
Has sales reps that don’t change too often and knows my store
Is willing to accept returns on mistakes made
Is willing to swap damaged or old stock quickly
Takes time to know me and my business personally
Collaborates and works with me
Understands the challenges I face in my business and acts on them
Recognises that making profit is important to me
Provides information on products in brochure form / cheat sheets
Proactively identifies issues and provides solutions
Is respectful of my time when communicating with me
Has rewards for all staff in the business (where permitted by state tobacco legislation)
Does what they say they will do and is consistent
Has an easy ordering process
Recognizes when I need additional help
Assists me to achieve more profit in my business
Visits me regularly enough to meet my needs
Provides useful information for my business on New Product Launches (NPL)
How would you rate ITA overall on each of the statements below? 
Takes time to educate me on the latest product information
Provides reasonable rebates
Understands my business
Recognizes when I need additional help
Visits me regularly enough to meet my needs
Recognises that making profit is important to me
Has sales reps that don’t change too often and knows my store
Is respectful of my time when communicating with me
Provides me with useful information for my business
Can provide information and education in my preferred language
Has effective incentives/programs to support my business goals
Collaborates and works with me
Provides information on products in brochure form / cheat sheets
Has reasonable payment terms (no direct debit)
Listens to my individual business needs
Has an easy ordering process
Understands the challenges I face in my business and acts on them
Assists me to achieve more profit in my business
Knows what is most important to me and my business
Has knowledge of my business (local area, customer type and store type)
Takes time to know me and my business personally
Provides useful information for my business on New Product Launches (NPL)
Is willing to swap damaged or old stock quickly
Has rewards for all staff in the business (where permitted by state tobacco legislation)
Does what they say they will do and is consistent
Has an effective sales rep that gives specials
Proactively identifies issues and provides solutions
Helps me solve problems quickly
Is willing to accept returns on mistakes made
How would you rate PML overall on each of the statements below? 
Has rewards for all staff in the business (where permitted by state tobacco legislation)
Has reasonable payment terms (no direct debit)
Provides reasonable rebates
Takes time to educate me on the latest product information
Recognises that making profit is important to me
Is respectful of my time when communicating with me
Visits me regularly enough to meet my needs
Knows what is most important to me and my business
Helps me solve problems quickly
Recognizes when I need additional help
Takes time to know me and my business personally
Understands the challenges I face in my business and acts on them
Understands my business
Provides useful information for my business on New Product Launches (NPL)
Is willing to accept returns on mistakes made
Has an easy ordering process
Listens to my individual business needs
Proactively identifies issues and provides solutions
Can provide information and education in my preferred language
Has effective incentives/programs to support my business goals
Assists me to achieve more profit in my business
Has sales reps that don’t change too often and knows my store
Has an effective sales rep that gives specials
Collaborates and works with me
Is willing to swap damaged or old stock quickly
Has knowledge of my business (local area, customer type and store type)
Does what they say they will do and is consistent
Provides me with useful information for my business
Provides information on products in brochure form / cheat sheets
Based on all the ratings you have just given, please rank the following three manufacturers? 
Drag your choices here to rank them
    Below are different events, activities and services that a tobacco supplier could potentially provide support with as part of it services to you and engagement with you.

    How valuable to you is each of the elements below in assisting you to manage work or personal/family aspects of your life?

    Note: some aspects also relate to events a tobacco supplier may recognise you with.
    Not at all Valuable Slightly Valuable Moderately Valuable Valuable Extremely Valuable
    Test Cricket Test tickets
    Financial Advice for retailers – how to maximise profit
    Cheaper deals on home improvements e.g. gardening
    AFL/NRL finals tickets
    Assistance within the shop when I am on holidays
    Fishing tours
    Local business networks to leverage group buying power
    Wine tours for couples
    Business running education for partners
    Entertainment (i.e. theatre tickets, tickets to music concerts)
    Not at all Valuable Slightly Valuable Moderately Valuable Valuable Extremely Valuable
    Legal Advice on tobacco regulations
    Adrenalin experience vouchers (e.g. sky diving, ballooning)
    Tickets to Australian International Open Events (i.e. Golf, Tennis)
    Soccer - Tickets to the World Cup
    Business financial services – better rates (i.e. loans, insurance)
    Good rates on store maintenance services
    Interpreter services for complicated or legal matter
    Online courses/webinars to help with selling and business skills (not modules)
    Car racing tickets (Formula One, V8)
    Structured school holiday programs
    Not at all Valuable Slightly Valuable Moderately Valuable Valuable Extremely Valuable
    Rewards Card/gift card
    Cheaper rates on holiday packages
    Couple or family experiences (i.e. dining, weekend escapes)
    Visas – Assistance with residency
    UFC/Boxing tickets
    Shopping experiences
    Assistance with school fees
    Personal financial services – better rates (i.e. loans, insurance, superannuation, managing retirement)
    Security services to protect stock and staff
    Brand Experience Events
    How long have you been in tobacco retailing in Australia?
    Less than 2 years
    2-5 years
    5-10 years
    10-15 years
    16-20 years
    More than 20 years
    Which of the following best describes your situation?
    Is the business you work in?
    Family run business – I am a family member
    Family run business – I am not a family member
    Not a family run business
    Were you born in Australia?
    How long have you been living in Australia?
    Less than 2 years
    2-5 years
    5-10 years
    10+ years
    Is English your primary language?
    Do you speak other languages fluently?
    What is the main language you speak fluently?