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darlo canteen

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Darlington Public School is currently considering applying to have a canteen. To help the process the Darlington S&C is interested in the thoughts of parents and carers. It would be appreciated if you could spend a few minutes completing this survey. The deadline for responses is March 29, 2012.

All your responses are confidential

Please start the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Generally, do you support or oppose Darlington Public School having a canteen on its premises? SELECT ONE
Strongly support
Mildly support
Neither support not oppose
Mildly oppose
Strongly oppose
Don’t know
FOR RECESS on each day, indicate whether you would be prepared for your child(ren) to purchase items at the canteen. SELECT AS MANY THAT APPLY
None of the above

FOR LUNCH on each day, indicate whether you would be prepared for your child(ren) to purchase items at the canteen. SELECT AS MANY THAT APPLY
None of the above

Which of the following items would you like to see available at the canteen? SELECT AS MANY THAT APPLY
Sandwiches with other ingredients (e.g. cheese, ham, tuna, salad etc.)
Pies/sausage rolls
Pasta dishes (hot)
Fruit salad
Rice/ curry dishes (hot)
Fruit pieces
Soft drinks
Flavoured milk
Sandwiches with spreads (e.g. Vegemite, cream cheese etc. )
Ice blocks
None of the above

During an average week approximately how much would you be prepared to spend for your child(ren) to buy items at the canteen? If you have more than one child at the school give an approximate answer ‘per child’. SELECT ONE BOX
Less than $5
$5 to $10
$11 to $20
$21 to $25
More than $25
Don't know
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about a canteen at Darlington Public School
Strongly agree Mildly agree Neither agree nor disagree Mildly disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know
I would rather prepare food for my child(ren) to take to school than have them buy items at a canteen
Having at canteen at Darlington would be convenient for me and my family
I would only support a canteen at Darlington if the food was healthy
A canteen would be disruptive for students and teachers during recess and lunchtime
A canteen would make things easier for students and teachers during recess and lunchtime
It makes no difference to me whether Darlington has a canteen or not
If the canteen were to be run by parents, how many days per week, throughout the whole school term, would you or a family member be able to volunteer? SELECT ONE
Most days
1 or 2 days per week
Every now and then
Don’t know
Would you be interested in pre-ordering food for your child(ren) at the canteen? SELECT ONE
Yes, for the whole term
Yes, for the next week
Yes, for the next day
No, order only on the day
No, would not use canteen
Don’t know
What would be your most preferred payment method for purchasing items at the canteen? SELECT ONE
I would like to use electronic funds transfer (EFT) and run a debit account over the internet (pre-order)
I would like to hand over the cash myself with the order
I am happy for my child to carry the cash and spend as required
Don’t know
In what year(s) is your child(ren) currently in at Darlington Public School? SELECT AS MANY THAT APPLY

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
None (Staff member)

Are there any comments you would like to add about a school canteen at Darlington Public School?
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