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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Into which age range do you fall?
Under 18
* In which state do you currently live?
* What is your zip code?
* Do you make charitable donations to organizations that impact the community in Greenwich, Connecticut?
* Which types of charitable organizations have you donated to within the past year? Select all that apply.
Veterans / Military
Animal Welfare
International Aid
Environmental Preservation
Public Policy
Educational Institution (Alma Mater, Kids' School, etc.)
Human Services / Social Services / Community Services
Religious Institution (Church, Temple, Synagogue, etc.)

Within your charitable giving, how important are each of the following causes?
Unimportant Slightly Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
* Environmental Preservation
* Animal Welfare
* Veterans / Military
* Religious Institution (Church, Temple, Synagogue, etc.)
* Public Policy
* Health/Disease/Hospital
* International Aid
* Arts/Culture
* Educational Institution (Alma Mater, Kids' School, etc.)
* Human Services / Social Services / Community Services
* Approximately how much money in total do you donate to charitable causes in a normal year?
* Compared to the past year, which of the following choices best describes how much you expect to donate to charity next year?
Much less Slightly less About the same Slightly more Much more
* Which choice best describes the geographic focus of your charitable giving?
Completely National OR International Mostly National OR International About Even Mostly Local Completely Local
On a scale of 1-5, how important is each factor in driving your decision to donate? With 1 being unimportant and 5 being extremely important.
Unimportant Slightly Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
* It is connected to a cause that has personally affected me or my family / friends
* I feel an emotional connection to the cause
* It is focused on a specific cause or need
* It is part of my civic / patriotic duty to contribute to the charity
* It helps to expand my network
* It has events with opportunities to learn and have fun
* If offers recognition of my contributions and makes me feel like part of the group
* It is connected to my religious faith
On a scale of 1-5, how important is each factor in driving your decision to donate? With 1 being unimportant and 5 being extremely important.
Unimportant Slightly Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
* It allows me to memorialize a loved one’s legacy
* I know trust, and/or respect the people involved with the organization
* It is an organization with a well-known name and a good reputation
* It has been endorsed by a well-known figure who I admire or respect
* It is very transparent about where the money goes
* It has low operating and administration expenses
* It has an impact that is tangible and very easy to see
* It demonstrates its success in a measurable way using numbers and personal stories
* It has a direct impact in my local community
* It has a long track record of success
* When thinking about donating to local charitable organizations which organizational approach do you prefer to support?
Strongly Prefer Organizations focused on a specific need in the local community
Somewhat Prefer Organizations focused on a specific need in the local community
No Preference
Somewhat Prefer Organizations that guide support toward multiple areas of greatest need in the local community
Strongly Prefer Organizations that guide support toward multiple areas of greatest need in the local community
How do you typically become aware of or first learn about charitable causes and organizations?
Rarely/Never Occasionally Frequently
* Company communications at work
* Friends / family word of mouth
* Personal experience / volunteering
* Mail sent to your home
* Social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Blogs)
* Advertising
* News sources (TV news, newspapers, magazines, and articles on the web)
On a scale of 1-5, please indicate your level of interest in each of the following donation methods. With 1 being not at all interested and 5 being extremely interested.
Not at all interested Slightly interested Moderately interested Very interested Extremely interested
* Phone / tablet app
* Text message
* In person donation to staff / board members / volunteers
* Check through the mail
* At an event where you learn more and donate
* Recurring automatic bank withdrawal
* Via a will or estate
* Online through an organization’s website using a credit card
On a scale of 1-5, How much do you like or dislike each of the following methods for receiving news and updates from organizations that you support? With 1 being dislike very much and 5 being like very much.
Dislike Very Much Dislike Somewhat Neither Like nor Dislike Like Somewhat Like Very Much
* Information or messaging delivered on social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)
* Text messages sent directly to your mobile phone
* Telephone calls
* Email
* Mail sent to your home (letters, newsletters, etc.)
* To which, if any, of the following local organizations have you ever made a monetary donation?
Greenwich YMCA
Local schools
Greenwich Hospital
Greenwich Adult Day Care
American Red Cross Metro New York North
Greenwich United Way
Neighbor to Neighbor
Bruce Museum
Kids in Crisis
Fairfield County Community Foundation
Boy Scouts of America
Breast Cancer Alliance
Boys & Girls Club
Family Centers
Arch Street Teen Center
Local church, temple, synagogue, etc.
Greenwich Historical Society
Children of Fallen Patriots
Greenwich YWCA

* Did you donate to Greenwich United Way in the past year?
* On a scale of 1-5, How familiar are you with Greenwich United Way and what it does? With 1 being not at all familiar and 5 being extremely familiar.
Not at all Familiar Slightly Familiar Moderately Familiar Very Familiar Extremely Familiar
* What are the first words that come to mind when you think of Greenwich United Way?
* On a scale of 1-5, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statement. With 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree.

If a local organization is endorsed and/or a recipient of program funds from the Greenwich United Way, I have a more positive view of that recipient organization.
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
On a scale of 1 to 5, Please rate your level of agreement with the following descriptors regarding Greenwich United Way. With 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree.
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
* Understands needs of the community
* Exciting
* Experienced
* Collaborative
* Impactful
* Compassionate
* Strategic
* Prominent in the community
* Trusted
* Fiscally responsible
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
* Respected
* Leader in the community
* Efficient
* Contemporary
* Creative
* Innovative
* Recognizing that Greenwich United Way is a local organization focused on the needs of the Greenwich community, how important is the organization’s affiliation with the national United Way in your decision about whether or not to donate? On a scale where 1 is unimportant and 5 is extremely important.
Unimportant Slightly Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
* On a scale of 1-5, What is your image of the national United Way brand? With 1 being very negative and 5 being very positive.
Very Negative Somewhat Negative Neither Positive Nor Negative Somewhat Positive Very Positive
* Which of the following statements apply to your household?
I live with a spouse/partner/significant other
I have children under 18 living in the house
I have children older than 18 living in the house
I live with roommates
I live by myself

* Into what range does your total household income fall?
Less than $50,000
$50,001 - $75,000
$75,001 - $100,000
$100,001 - $150,000
$150,001 - $200,000
$200,001 - $250,000
Prefer not to answer
* Do you consider yourself of Hispanic or Latino origin?
* Which ethnic or cultural group do you most closely identify with?
Caucasian or White
African-American or Black
Native American or Native Alaskan
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or More Races
Prefer not to answer
Other (Please specify)