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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Have you ever been to The Franklin Institute?
* Are you a member of the Franklin Institute?
* What is your favorite part of The Franklin Institute experience?
* Which of the following best describes when you last visited The Franklin Institute?
Within the past year
1-2 years ago
3-9 years ago
10+ years ago
I have not visited since I was a child
Don't know/Don't remember
* Which of the following best explains why you haven’t recently visited The Franklin Institute? (Check all that apply)
There haven’t been any special exhibits that have interested me
It’s too expensive
It’s too much of a hassle to visit
It’s old, boring and outdated
I didn’t enjoy my last visit
Once you’ve seen it, you’ve seen it and there isn’t a reason to go back
I don’t like science
It’s too hard to park
It gets too crowded
I no longer live in the Philadelphia area
I previously took children who are grown or no longer interested
I went as a child and have not returned since
It is for children only
Other, Please specify

* Which of the following best explains why you have never visited The Franklin Institute? (Check all that apply)
It’s too expensive
I didn’t enjoy my last visit
It’s too much of a hassle to visit
I no longer live in the Philadelphia area
Once you’ve seen it, you’ve seen it and there isn’t a reason to go back
There haven’t been any special exhibits that have interested me
I previously took children who are grown or no longer interested
I went as a child and have not returned since
It’s old, boring and outdated
I don’t like science
It is for children only
It’s too hard to park
It gets too crowded
Other, Please specify

* What level of interest do you have in visiting The Franklin Institute in the next year?
Not at all interested Slightly interested Moderately interested Very interested Extremely interested
* What is the most important reason for your rating in the prior question?
* How likely is it that you would recommend The Franklin Institute to a friend or colleague?
«Not all all likelyExtremely likely»
* What is the most important reason for your rating in the prior question?
* In your own words, please describe what The Franklin Institute is.
* What words or phrases come to mind when you think of The Franklin Institute?
Please rate your level of agreement with the statements below regarding The Franklin Institute.
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
* It’s a fun place to visit.
* It’s a great learning experience for adults
* It’s unique compared to other Philadelphia area attractions
* It’s a national leader when it comes to science museums
* It’s a great place to learn about science and technology
* It’s a great learning experience for kids
* It’s a great place for singles to go on a date
* It has cutting edge exhibits
* It has inspired me and/or my family to learn more about science and technology
* It has programs outside of the museum that make a real difference in the community
* It’s a place for people like me
* It’s a leader in scientific research and innovation
* Why would you choose to visit The Franklin Institute instead of going somewhere else?
When thinking about visiting The Franklin Institute, how important are the following reasons for visiting?
Not Important At All Slightly Important Somewhat Important Very Important Extremely Important
* Education / learning
* Interest in subject
* Special exhibitions
* Taking out of town guests
* Entertainment / fun
* Taking children / family outing
When thinking about visiting The Franklin Institute, how important are the following factors?
Not Important At All Slightly Important Somewhat Important Very Important Extremely Important
* Safety of the neighborhood
* Price
* Travel time / traffic
* Parking
* Please finish the following sentence. “Besides lowering prices, I would visit the museum more often if…” (Check all that apply)
New permanent exhibits were introduced
There were more new programs and activities for kids
More convenient parking was available
The museum was less crowded and busy
Existing permanent exhibits were updated more often
There were more new programs and activities for adults
Other, Please specify

* Approximately how much do you expect to pay for ONE adult ticket to a cultural attraction in Philadelphia?
* Please indicate which of the following events and programs that you are aware of at The Franklin Institute. (Check All that Apply)
Summer camp and School’s Out camp for kids
Mess Fest with big and messy science demonstrations
Weddings at the museum
Target Community Nights with free admission
Kitchen Science & tasting workshops
Birthday parties at the museum
After school and weekend educational programs for students
Night Skies stargazing in the Observatory
Educators' Night Out
Color of Science exhibit & program to honor underrepresented groups
Family Sleep Overs with science shows and workshops
Science After Hours for adults 21+ featuring experiments, demonstrations & games
Professional development programs for educators
3D Printing Workshops

Please rate your level of interest in the following events and programs.
Not at all interested Slightly interested Moderately interested Very interested Extremely interested
* 3D Printing Workshops
* Color of Science exhibit & program to honor underrepresented groups
* Target Community Nights with free admission
* Weddings at the museum
* Mess Fest with big and messy science demonstrations
* Night Skies stargazing in the Observatory
* Educators' Night Out
* After school and weekend educational programs for students
* Summer camp and School’s Out camp for kids
* Birthday parties at the museum
* Professional development programs for educators
* Kitchen Science & tasting workshops
* Science After Hours for adults 21+ featuring experiments, demonstrations & games
* Family Sleep Overs with science shows and workshops
* Please indicate which of the following activities outside of the museum that you were aware The Franklin Institute is involved in. (Check All that Apply)
STEM 3D: Integrating Science Afterschool project for youth and families
Climate and Urban Systems Partnership (CUSP) to educate kids and families about climate change in the city
CitySkies space education for inner city kids
PNC Grow Up Great programs for area pre-schoolers
Publishing new scientific research through staff scientists
CLUES program to educate area families about science
GSK Science in the Summer at public libraries
LEAP into Science programs that integrate science and literature for kids
Traveling Science Shows performing at assemblies at schools, camps and libraries
Philadelphia Science Festival

* What methods of communication do you use to find out about cultural attractions?
Attraction’s website
Street banners / billboards
Word of mouth (friends or family)
Local television news
Social Media

How often, if at all, do you use each of the social media apps / websites below?
Never Use It A few times a year A few times a month A few times a week A few times a day
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Pinterest
* Tumblr
* Instagram
* Google+
* Vine
* YouTube
* Snapchat
* Blogs
* Yelp!
* Other
* Into which age range do you fall?
Under 20
60 or older
* What is your gender?
* Which of the following best describes your ethnicity or cultural affiliations? (May select more than one)
Caucasian or White
African-American or Black
Asian or Pacific Islander
Native American
Prefer not to answer
Other, Please specify

* Are you a parent/guardian?
* Do you have children in your household or do you have grandchildren living in Philadelphia? (Check all that apply)
Children in household
Grandchildren in area
No children

* Please check all that apply to your household.
I have children age 5 and under living in the house
I have children between the ages of 6 and 12 living in the house
I have children between the ages of 13 and 18 living in the house
I have children older than 18 living in the house

* What is your highest level of education?
High school
Some college or trade school
College graduate
Graduate degree
* Into what range does your annual household income fall?
Under $34,999
$35,000 to $59,000
$60,000 to $99,000
$100,000 to $199,999
$200,000 or more
Prefer not to answer
* What is your zip code?