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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* What words or phrases come to mind when you think of In-Shape Health Clubs?
* What, if anything, makes In-Shape Health Clubs unique compared to other gyms?
Please rate your level of agreement with each adjective below describing In-Shape Health Clubs.
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
* Fun
* Professional
* Convenient
* Trusted
* Welcoming
* Exciting
* Affordable
* Service-oriented
* Personal
* Family-oriented
* Respected
* Supportive
* Accountable
* Innovative
* What is the biggest strength of In-Shape Health Clubs as a company?
* What is the biggest opportunity for In-Shape Health Clubs to work on and improve at?
* What do you love most about working at In-Shape Health Clubs?
Please rate your level of agreement with each statement below describing In-Shape Health Clubs: 
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Neutral Agree Somewhat Strongly Agree
* I know and understand the In-Shape vision and mission
* In-Shape is a good place to grow your career
* In-Shape's atmosphere accommodates a wide variety of people
* In-Shape makes members feel welcomed
* In-Shape is a “lifestyle brand” that members are fiercely loyal to
* The people that work at In-Shape are what makes the difference for members
* In-Shape has a strong image in the market
* In-Shape is moving in the right direction
* In-Shape values new ideas.
* In-Shape does a good job helping people to achieve their exercise goals
* There aren't enough amenities offered at In-Shape clubs.
* How likely is it that you would recommend In-Shape Health Clubs to a friend or colleague?
«Not at all likelyExtremely Likely»
* What makes you feel this way about your likelihood of recommending In-Shape Health Clubs to a friend or colleague?
* Have you ever recommended In-Shape Health Clubs to a friend or colleague?
* If In-Shape Health Clubs was a person that you knew really well, how would you describe his/her personality?