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As noted, it will not be possible for us to link your comments with you or your organisation unless you agree to this by providing your name at the end of the survey.

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If you have any technical issues with the survey please contact Katherine Rich at Newgate Research on (03) 9611 1850 or [email protected].

Please start the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Overall, how do you rate Newgate Communications’ performance in working with your organisation?

Very poorExcellent
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Don't know
What makes you feel that way about Newgate Communications' performance?

Please be as specific as possible.
Overall, how do you rate Newgate Research's performance in working with your organisation?

Very poorExcellent
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Don't know
What makes you feel that way about Newgate Research's performance?

Please be as specific as possible.
What do you think Newgate does really well?
And what do you think Newgate could improve upon?
How do you rate Newgate’s performance in the following areas?
Very poor










Quality of in-person research presentations
Quality of research and analytical insights
Usefulness of research insights to your decision-making
Look and feel of reports and presentations
Professionalism of its people
Value for money of work conducted by Newgate Communications
Quality of research reporting
Quality of implementation
Suitability of its research methods and question design
Ease of dealing with its people
Very poor










Value for money of work conducted by Newgate Research
Ability to understand your issue/project and associated communications needs
Ability to meet deadlines
Ability to understand your research needs
Suitability of strategic advice and recommendations
How likely would you be to consider using Newgate’s services in future if you had a need?
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Don't know
How likely are you to recommend Newgate to a colleague or associate?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Don't know
Please tell us a bit about why you are not very likely to recommend Newgate to a colleague or associate?

We would really appreciate your honest feedback.
If you were to give Newgate one piece of advice, what would it be?

Please be as specific as possible.
We really appreciate the time you have taken to complete this survey. To be in the running to win one of two iWatches up to the value of $500

Please answer the following question:

   What movie character best reflects either Newgate Communications / Newgate Research or your favourite consultant? Why?

Newgate will pick the best two responses and notify the winners directly.
Having completed this survey, please indicate if you would prefer that your feedback remains unattributable or if you are happy for it to be attributable to you. We would appreciate attributable feedback as it helps us better understand where we have done well or not so well and we can share the feedback with the relevant team-members if appropriate. However, we do understand if you would prefer to remain anonymous.

Note that your feedback will be for internal use only. If we would like to use it as a testimonial or similar, we would seek your permission first.
Happy for my feedback to be attributable to me
Prefer my feedback to remain unattributable to me
Please enter your name:
And the name of your organisation:

Please note: If you have requested for your responses to be unattributable, your name and organisation details will only be used to notify you if you are a competition winner and your responses will remain unattributable.