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As a teacher, you play a critical role in protecting our school children from tornadoes--and ASSA ABLOY would like to hear about your experiences with the places where students take shelter when threatened by a tornado. We’re a global leader in locking products and we will use your input to improve door hardware in tornado shelters and to create new solutions for the safety and security challenges you face everyday.

This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. Your answers will be kept completely anonymous.
Are you a school teacher (i.e. a teacher of students in either an elementary, middle, junior, high, K-8, or K-12, or other type of school)?
How would you describe the school in which you work?
Middle School
Junior High School
High School
In what state is the school in which you work located?
Does your school have a designated storm shelter area?
Don't Know
Have you experienced an actual tornado emergency at the school in which you work in the past 3 years?
Don't Know
Have you participated in a tornado drill at your school within the last 2 years?
Don't Know
Note: The term 'tornado event' will be used throughout the survey. This should be considered either a tornado drill or an actual tornado related emergency, depending on your experience.
For the following questions, please tell how important the statement is to you (answer choices range from "Not Important at All" to "Extremely Important"). We will then ask you to rate your current level of satisfaction on each of those same statements.

How important is it that you are able to...?
Not Important at All Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
Minimize the likelihood that bottlenecks occur at peak hours of traffic
Increase the likelihood that door hardware (i.e. handles, levers, etc.) are positioned appropriately for smaller students
Minimize the likelihood that it is difficult for smaller students to open the door
Minimize the likelihood that body parts other than arms (i.e. feet, hips, shoulders, etc.) need to be used for students to keep the door open
Minimize the amount of force needed to open the door
Minimize the likelihood that doors close before students get through the opening
Increase the likelihood that doors can be opened with one hand
Minimize the likelihood that additional items (i.e. backpacks, bags, etc.) get in the way as students go through the opening
Minimize the likelihood that a door requires more than one student to open it
How satisfied are you with your ability to...?
Not Satisfied at All Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Minimize the likelihood that doors close before students get through the opening
Minimize the likelihood that additional items (i.e. backpacks, bags, etc.) get in the way as students go through the opening
Minimize the likelihood that it is difficult for smaller students to open the door
Increase the likelihood that door hardware (i.e. handles, levers, etc.) are positioned appropriately for smaller students
Increase the likelihood that doors can be opened with one hand
Minimize the likelihood that bottlenecks occur at peak hours of traffic
Minimize the amount of force needed to open the door
Minimize the likelihood that a door requires more than one student to open it
Minimize the likelihood that body parts other than arms (i.e. feet, hips, shoulders, etc.) need to be used for students to keep the door open
How important is it that you are able to...?
Not Important at All Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter doors can be used for emergency communications
Increase the likelihood that openings will support two-way traffic
Increase the likelihood that doors can be used for day to day communications
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter doors feel too heavy to operate on a daily basis
Minimize the likelihood that you have to go through multiple sets of doors to enter the building
Increase the likelihood that the position of the opening does not impede traffic
Increase the likelihood that fire doors close on their own
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter doors and hardware can be damaged by daily use
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter doors and hardware remain aesthetically pleasing in high-traffic areas
How satisfied are you with your ability to...?
Not Satisfied at All Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Increase the likelihood that fire doors close on their own
Increase the likelihood that doors can be used for day to day communications
Increase the likelihood that the position of the opening does not impede traffic
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter doors can be used for emergency communications
Increase the likelihood that openings will support two-way traffic
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter doors and hardware can be damaged by daily use
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter doors and hardware remain aesthetically pleasing in high-traffic areas
Minimize the likelihood that you have to go through multiple sets of doors to enter the building
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter doors feel too heavy to operate on a daily basis
How important is it that you are able to...?
Not Important at All Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
Increase the likelihood that students understand the importance of being prepared for a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that communication protocols exist for emergency responders
Increase the likelihood that temporary or substitute staff understand what to do during a tornado event
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter construction disrupts the school
Increase the likelihood that government regulations regarding tornado shelters are understood by school staff
Increase the likelihood that the entire school functions as a storm shelter
Increase the likelihood that your school's emergency response plan for tornadoes is understood by school staff
Increase the likelihood that non-students (i.e. parents, members of the community, etc.) understand tornado event protocol
Increase the likelihood that exterior doors can be controlled from a central location during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter doors can be controlled from a central location during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that the school's storm shelter/safe area can accommodate an over capacity volume of occupants
Increase the likelihood that the required number of tornado drills are performed
How satisfied are you with your ability to...?
Not Satisfied at All Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Increase the likelihood that temporary or substitute staff understand what to do during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that the school's storm shelter/safe area can accommodate an over capacity volume of occupants
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter construction disrupts the school
Increase the likelihood that exterior doors can be controlled from a central location during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that the entire school functions as a storm shelter
Increase the likelihood that government regulations regarding tornado shelters are understood by school staff
Increase the likelihood that your school's emergency response plan for tornadoes is understood by school staff
Increase the likelihood that students understand the importance of being prepared for a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that non-students (i.e. parents, members of the community, etc.) understand tornado event protocol
Increase the likelihood that the required number of tornado drills are performed
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter doors can be controlled from a central location during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that communication protocols exist for emergency responders
How important is it that you are able to...?
Not Important at All Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
Increase the likelihood that temporary and substitute staff understand assignments during a tornado event
Minimize the likelihood that students can't get inside the building on their own during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter windows can be opened for daily use
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter windows can be used for evacuation during an emergency
Increase the likelihood that shutters for storm shelter windows are unobtrusive when kept open
Increase the likelihood that your storm shelter is able to have windows
Increase the likelihood that students know what to do when a tornado alarm is activated
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter window shutters can be closed easily
Increase the likelihood that school staff knows what to do when a tornado alarm is activated
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter window shutters can be compromised due to vandalism
Increase the likelihood that school staff and students are given sufficient warning of a tornado event
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter window shutters damage the floor
How satisfied are you with your ability to...?
Not Satisfied at All Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter window shutters can be compromised due to vandalism
Increase the likelihood that your storm shelter is able to have windows
Increase the likelihood that shutters for storm shelter windows are unobtrusive when kept open
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter window shutters damage the floor
Increase the likelihood that school staff and students are given sufficient warning of a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that temporary and substitute staff understand assignments during a tornado event
Minimize the likelihood that students can't get inside the building on their own during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that students know what to do when a tornado alarm is activated
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter window shutters can be closed easily
Increase the likelihood that school staff knows what to do when a tornado alarm is activated
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter windows can be used for evacuation during an emergency
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter windows can be opened for daily use
How important is it that you are able to...?
Not Important at All Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
Increase the likelihood that openings are wide enough to accommodate the number of students trying to go through
Increase the likelihood that traffic flow is controlled as it goes through the storm shelter opening
Minimize the time it takes to get all staff and students through the doorways of a storm shelter/safe area
Increase the likelihood that students know the closest route to the storm shelter/safe area
Minimize the likelihood that the route into the storm shelter/safe area is obstructed by other people
Minimize the time it takes to verify that all students are accounted for prior to moving to the storm shelter/safe area
Minimize the time it takes for students with disabilities to go through openings
Minimize the likelihood that the route into the storm shelter/safe area is obstructed by equipment, materials, etc.
Increase the likelihood that students with disabilities can maneuver through hallway traffic during a tornado event
Minimize the time it takes to move students to a predetermined storm shelter/safe area during a tornado event
How satisfied are you with your ability to...?
Not Satisfied at All Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Minimize the likelihood that the route into the storm shelter/safe area is obstructed by equipment, materials, etc.
Increase the likelihood that students with disabilities can maneuver through hallway traffic during a tornado event
Minimize the likelihood that the route into the storm shelter/safe area is obstructed by other people
Minimize the time it takes to get all staff and students through the doorways of a storm shelter/safe area
Increase the likelihood that traffic flow is controlled as it goes through the storm shelter opening
Increase the likelihood that students know the closest route to the storm shelter/safe area
Minimize the time it takes to verify that all students are accounted for prior to moving to the storm shelter/safe area
Minimize the time it takes for students with disabilities to go through openings
Increase the likelihood that openings are wide enough to accommodate the number of students trying to go through
Minimize the time it takes to move students to a predetermined storm shelter/safe area during a tornado event
How important is it that you are able to...?
Not Important at All Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
Minimize the likelihood that students injure themselves as they operate doors during a tornado event
Minimize the likelihood that students need assistance from school staff when they try to open a storm shelter door
Minimize the likelihood that traffic into the storm shelter/safe area is impeded by continually closing doors
Minimize the likelihood that doors close while students are moving through the opening
Increase the likelihood that the tornado event is communicated to non-supervised students (i.e. cafeteria)
Minimize the likelihood that students injure others as they operate doors during a tornado event
Minimize the likelihood that traffic into the storm shelter/safe area is impeded by a person holding open doors
Minimize the likelihood that individuals are needed to hold open storm shelter doors during the movement of students through the opening
Increase the likelihood that the student knows what is behind them as they move through the opening
Increase the likelihood that the trajectory of the door does not impede the movement through the storm shelter opening
How satisfied are you with your ability to...?
Not Satisfied at All Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Minimize the likelihood that doors close while students are moving through the opening
Minimize the likelihood that students injure themselves as they operate doors during a tornado event
Minimize the likelihood that students injure others as they operate doors during a tornado event
Minimize the likelihood that students need assistance from school staff when they try to open a storm shelter door
Minimize the likelihood that traffic into the storm shelter/safe area is impeded by a person holding open doors
Increase the likelihood that the student knows what is behind them as they move through the opening
Minimize the likelihood that individuals are needed to hold open storm shelter doors during the movement of students through the opening
Increase the likelihood that the trajectory of the door does not impede the movement through the storm shelter opening
Minimize the likelihood that traffic into the storm shelter/safe area is impeded by continually closing doors
Increase the likelihood that the tornado event is communicated to non-supervised students (i.e. cafeteria)
How important is it that you are able to...?
Not Important at All Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
Increase the likelihood that non-English speakers can understand signage
Increase the likelihood that students know someone is coming through the door from the other side of the storm shelter opening
Increase the likelihood that signage is visible on the inside of the storm shelter/safe area
Increase the likelihood that 'late-comers' (i.e. arriving after the shelter is sealed) know how to get to the secondary shelter
Increase the likelihood that school staff knows whether to open both or one of the doors for students as they go through a double door storm shelter opening
Minimize the likelihood that the storm shelter door frames are damaged due to traffic
Increase the likelihood that alternate entrances to the shelter can be used
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter doors are too heavy for students to operate
Increase the likelihood that students know what is behind them as they move through the storm shelter opening
Increase the likelihood that inaccessible entrances communicate the location of the nearest correct entrance to the shelter
How satisfied are you with your ability to...?
Not Satisfied at All Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Increase the likelihood that signage is visible on the inside of the storm shelter/safe area
Minimize the likelihood that the storm shelter door frames are damaged due to traffic
Increase the likelihood that inaccessible entrances communicate the location of the nearest correct entrance to the shelter
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter doors are too heavy for students to operate
Increase the likelihood that non-English speakers can understand signage
Increase the likelihood that school staff knows whether to open both or one of the doors for students as they go through a double door storm shelter opening
Increase the likelihood that 'late-comers' (i.e. arriving after the shelter is sealed) know how to get to the secondary shelter
Increase the likelihood that students know someone is coming through the door from the other side of the storm shelter opening
Increase the likelihood that students know what is behind them as they move through the storm shelter opening
Increase the likelihood that alternate entrances to the shelter can be used
Thank you for your patience...we're almost done!

How important is it that you are able to...?
Not Important at All Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
Increase the likelihood that students understand safety procedures once they are inside the storm shelter/safe area
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter doors lock before they are supposed to
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter doors remain locked during the tornado event
Increase the likelihood that school staff and students know where to go once inside the storm shelter/safe area
Increase the likelihood that the school staff responsible for securing the storm shelter/safe area from the inside understand the correct procedure
Increase the likelihood that school staff can determine that shelter doors are locked, from inside the shelter
Minimize the likelihood that the storm shelter doors close but do not lock
Minimize the time it takes to close the storm shelter doors
Increase the likelihood that the school staff knows when to seal the storm shelter/safe area to the outside
Minimize the likelihood that other door hardware (i.e. thresholds, hinges, etc.) will impede the closing of storm shelter doors
Minimize the likelihood that the storm shelter can be compromised by students opening a door during a tornado event
How satisfied are you with your ability to...?
Not Satisfied at All Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Increase the likelihood that the school staff knows when to seal the storm shelter/safe area to the outside
Minimize the likelihood that other door hardware (i.e. thresholds, hinges, etc.) will impede the closing of storm shelter doors
Minimize the likelihood that the storm shelter doors close but do not lock
Increase the likelihood that the school staff responsible for securing the storm shelter/safe area from the inside understand the correct procedure
Increase the likelihood that students understand safety procedures once they are inside the storm shelter/safe area
Minimize the likelihood that storm shelter doors lock before they are supposed to
Increase the likelihood that school staff and students know where to go once inside the storm shelter/safe area
Increase the likelihood that storm shelter doors remain locked during the tornado event
Minimize the time it takes to close the storm shelter doors
Increase the likelihood that school staff can determine that shelter doors are locked, from inside the shelter
Minimize the likelihood that the storm shelter can be compromised by students opening a door during a tornado event
How important is it that you are able to...?
Not Important at All Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
Increase the likelihood that all students remain in the storm shelter/safe area until the 'all clear' message is given
Minimize the likelihood that students can access non-sheltered areas during a tornado event
Minimize the time it takes to verify that all students are accounted for after arriving at the storm shelter/safe area
Increase the likelihood that building utilities can be managed from the inside of the shelter (i.e. electrical, water, gas, etc.)
Increase the likelihood that basic emergency supplies are available inside the shelter
Minimize the likelihood that only one person has the responsibility for closing and locking storm shelter doors
Minimize the likelihood that students feel distress during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that storm shelters are sufficiently ventilated
Increase the likelihood that emergency responders understand the status of the school and storm shelter occupants
Minimize the likelihood that unauthorized school staff and students can lock or unlock storm shelter doors
Minimize the likelihood that the storm shelter/safe area can be breached by people from the outside after it is sealed
Increase the likelihood that school staff has confidence that storm shelter doors and hardware will perform as expected
How satisfied are you with your ability to...?
Not Satisfied at All Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Minimize the likelihood that the storm shelter/safe area can be breached by people from the outside after it is sealed
Increase the likelihood that school staff has confidence that storm shelter doors and hardware will perform as expected
Increase the likelihood that emergency responders understand the status of the school and storm shelter occupants
Minimize the time it takes to verify that all students are accounted for after arriving at the storm shelter/safe area
Increase the likelihood that basic emergency supplies are available inside the shelter
Minimize the likelihood that unauthorized school staff and students can lock or unlock storm shelter doors
Increase the likelihood that storm shelters are sufficiently ventilated
Increase the likelihood that building utilities can be managed from the inside of the shelter (i.e. electrical, water, gas, etc.)
Increase the likelihood that all students remain in the storm shelter/safe area until the 'all clear' message is given
Minimize the likelihood that students feel distress during a tornado event
Minimize the likelihood that only one person has the responsibility for closing and locking storm shelter doors
Minimize the likelihood that students can access non-sheltered areas during a tornado event
How important is it that you are able to...?
Not Important at All Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
Increase the likelihood that you stay updated on the status of the building during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that verbal directions can be heard by students inside the storm shelter/safe area
Increase the likelihood that you stay updated on the status of the community/area during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that you stay updated on the status of the weather during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that students understand where to go as they exit the storm shelter/safe area
Increase the likelihood that students feel recognized for their good behavior
How satisfied are you with your ability to...?
Not Satisfied at All Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied
Increase the likelihood that students understand where to go as they exit the storm shelter/safe area
Increase the likelihood that you stay updated on the status of the weather during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that verbal directions can be heard by students inside the storm shelter/safe area
Increase the likelihood that you stay updated on the status of the community/area during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that you stay updated on the status of the building during a tornado event
Increase the likelihood that students feel recognized for their good behavior
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