Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Which of the following best reflects the highest level of education you achieved with the University of New England?
* What was your undergraduate major at the University of New England?
Which of the following best matched your primary goal when enrolling at the University of New England?
Preparation for employment or career
Preparation for graduate/professional school
How well prepared for employment and a career did you feel after leaving UNE?
Very prepared
Somewhat prepared
Somewhat unprepared
Very unprepared
Don’t know/No opinion
How well prepared for further study in graduate/professional school did you feel after leaving UNE?
Very prepared
Somewhat prepared
Somewhat unprepared
Very unprepared
Don’t know/No opinion
Below are a number of statements concerning the University of New England.

Based on what you experienced at the University, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement, using the scale provided. If you do not know for a certain statement, simply select that option.
Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know/No opinion
The University of New England is ranked favorably in national publications
Graduates from the University of New England get into top graduate/professional schools
The University of New England offered me good financial assistance
The University of New England has very good academics
The University of New England offered me an affordable undergraduate education
An education from the University of New England was a good value
The University of New England has a good campus life and social activities
Graduates from the University of New England get good jobs
* Which of the following best reflects the highest level of graduate education you reached from the University of New England?
* Which of the following best reflects your Master’s degree from the University of New England?
* Which of the following best reflects your Doctorate from the University of New England?
* Which of the following best reflects your graduate Certificate from the University of New England?
Next, based on your experience at the University of New England, please rate the University on the following dimensions. Please use the scale provided. If you do not know, do not have an opinion, or believe a certain dimension does not apply to you, simply select that response option.
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know/No opinion/Not applicable
Availability of a specific program of study
Availability of need-based financial aid
Cost of attending
Ability to prepare you for graduate/professional school
Class sizes
Availability of merit-based financial aid
Location and campus setting/environment
Academic environment and opportunities
Overall quality
Ability to prepare you for a career
Academic reputation
Proximity to my home
Based on your experience, please rate the University of New England on the following dimensions. Please use the scale provided. If you do not know or do not have an opinion for a certain dimension, simply select that response option.
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know/No opinion
The applicability of your coursework to your career goals
Facilities at UNE, such as laboratories, studios, and technology equipment
The quality of the faculty in your principal area of study
Academic advising in your principal area of study
Career assistance
Are you currently employed or are you attending school?
Yes, employed
Yes, attending school
How would you classify your current employment as it relates to your area of study at the University of New England?
You are employed in the same field as you studied at UNE
You are employed in a field related to what you studied at UNE
You are employed in a different field to what you studied at UNE, by choice
You are employed in a different field to what you studied at UNE, not by choice
You are employed in a different field to what you studied at UNE, not by choice
Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means you are not at all satisfied and 10 means you are completely satisfied, how satisfied are you with your current employment?
«Not at all satisfiedCompletely satisfied»
In your opinion, how valuable is a degree from the University of New England in…
Not at all valuable Somewhat valuable Moderately valuable Extremely valuable Don’t know/No opinion
The Greater Portland area
The New England region
The State of Maine
Based on your experience and what you know of graduates from other institutions, how would you compare a degree from the University of New England? Use a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means a University of New England degree is far below the caliber of degrees from other schools and 10 means it is far above the caliber of degrees from other schools.
«Far belowFar above»
For your specific area of study, which one other school would you say is most comparable to the University of New England?
How would you rate the University of New England in terms of meeting your educational goals?
Don’t know/No opinion
How would you rate the University of New England in terms of meeting your professional goals?
Don’t know/No opinion
What is your overall level of satisfaction with your experience attending the University of New England? Use a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means you are not at all satisfied and 10 means you are extremely satisfied.
«Not at all satisfiedExtremely satisfied»
How likely is it that you would recommend attending the University of New England? Use the scale below where 0 means not at all likely and 10 means extremely likely.
«Not at all likelyExtremely likely»
If you could do it all over again, would you again choose to attend the University of New England?
Definitely would
Probably would
Probably would not
Definitely would not
Don’t know/No opinion
Why do you say that?
Was a University of New England education “worth it”?
Definitely yes
Probably yes
Probably no
Definitely no
Don’t know/No opinion
Why do you say that?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
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