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Piloting Instructions

Thank you for being willing to test out our survey for us.

While reviewing the survey, you do not have to provide answers to the actual questions, as we will ask you to complete the revised version of the survey.

For each question, there is an area where you can provide your feedback. Provide your feedback just on those questions that you think could be improved or that you think have an issue that we should address.

After the survey is complete, there are a few questions that ask for your feedback on the survey as a whole.
Survey Introduction

Thank you for your input on how the Young Health Programme reports its achievements.

This survey asks what you would like to see in a Young Health Programme report and how you would use the information. The Young Health Programme will use your answers to help guide its measurement and evaluation activities, as well as how it reports that information.

This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

To help you provide your open and honest insight, the survey is anonymous. It does not ask for your name or track who provided certain responses.

Completing this survey is completely voluntary. Whether or not you complete the survey will not affect your relationship with the Young Health Programme.

Social Impact Squared is conducting this survey on behalf of the Young Health Programme. Only Social Impact Squared and AstraZeneca will have access to your responses.

If you have any questions about the survey, you may contact Paul Bakker at [email protected]. Thank you very much for your time and support.

To start the survey, click on the Continue button below.
Do you find anything about the survey introduction confusing or unclear? If so, what?
After reading the invitation and introduction, do you have any concerns about completing the survey that are not yet answered? If so, what are they?
Throughout this survey, we use the term report to mean any product that shares the achievements of the Young Health Programme. Such products may take the form of a written report, an interactive website, a series of infographics, a short video, etc.

Which country do you live in?
Other, please specify:
Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
What sector do you work in?
Health care
Other, please specify:
Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
Do you work, volunteer, or partner directly with the Young Health Programme?
Not Sure
Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
Are you employed by AstraZeneca?
Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
How do you address youth's health?

You can select more than one option.
Providing services to youth
Creating, updating, or enforcing health policy
Advocating for improvements in youths health
Researching youth's health
Other, please specify:

Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
Please rank how important following types of data are to the decisions you make for your work.

You can rank options by dragging them.
Drag your choices here to rank them
    Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
    Why might you read a Young Health Programme report?
    Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
    How would you use the information in a report Young Health Programme achievement report?
    Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
    Have you seen any information on the Young Health Programme’s current achievements?
    What key messages regarding the Young Health Programmes achievements would most impress you?
    What impresses you the most about the Young Health Programme’s current achievements?
    Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
    What would you suggest the Young Health Programme do to better convey its achievements?
    Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
    Please select the top 3 types of Young Health Programme information that you would find the most useful?
    Number of youth reached by the Programme
    Individual youths' accounts of how services have helped them
    Evidence of how the Programme has influenced health policy
    Description of what the Programme is advocating for
    Amount of resources that AstraZeneca has invested in the Programme
    Improvements in youths' health in terms of numbers, averages, and percentages
    Evidence of how the Programme has led to change in health services for youth
    Description of the research conducted as part of the Programme
    Description of the services created
    Other, please specify:

    Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
    Please select the top 3 Young Health Programme report formats that you would most prefer. 
    Short Report - 6 to 19 pages
    Newsletter/Info Brief - 1 to 2 pages
    Interactive discussion of significance of results
    Series of Infographics
    Detailed Report - more than 20 pages
    Performance dashboard
    Press Release
    Summary Report - 2 to 5 pages
    In person presentation of slides
    Series of stories
    Other, please specify:

    Please provide any feedback on the question above here:
    If you have any other feedback that you would like to provide to help guide the Young Health Programme's reporting efforts, please provide it here:
    Thanks you for taking the time to complete the survey.  Your responses will help the Young Health Programme better meet the needs of its stakeholders.
    What are you overall impressions of the survey?
    How do you think most respondents will feel about the survey length?
    Do you think there are any questions missing that should be added to the survey? If so, what else should we ask?
    Do you have any other suggestions to improve the survey?
    Thank you for helping us improve this survey.
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